“It absolutely added to the wine and made me appreciate it more. Some brighter notes were actually brought out more by the music.”
— Janie A, Springfield, OR
“Bright, cheery notes of the piano matched the dancing of my tastebuds. The sound signature (Iris Vineyards House Call Red Blend) was a creative pairing, with beauty in my ears and beauty in my mouth at the same time!”
— Jessica B, Eugene, OR
“The wine tasted smoother with music. This would be so much fun with a group. Let me know when I can just scan the QR code on the label to play the sound signature, because I will buy those bottles.”
— Brian B, Eugene, OR
“A well-paired sound signature with a sip of wine will not just be an awakening experience — it will liberate the flavors and undertones already present in that good glass of vino.”
— Eugene Weekly
“I was skeptical at first, but once you take a drink and immerse yourself in the music, you can really feel the taste corresponding to the notes.”
— Erica, Iris Vineyards wine club member
“I heard the actual sound of flavor. I didn’t think I would experience it like that – very unique and enjoyable.”
— Lisa W, Springfield, OR
“[Being able to listen to a sound signature] would absolutely make me more inclined to try a certan wine.”
— Brittany, Eugene, OR
“Really transcendent. Sound signatures would be great for parties – they can set the tone.”