The world’s first perfect pairings of wine and music
Each wine’s sound signature lasts just as long as the taste of one sip and captures the unique emotion of the wine, creating a multi-sensory experience. For the full experience, simply take a sip and press play right when you swallow.
Find which wineries near you are offering the Vinisthesia experience, and listen to dozens of sound signatures below, from some of the world’s most artistic wineries.

Iris Vineyards is offering a five-wine Vinisthesia flight in their Springfield, Oregon tasting room, and on their website. Visit Iris in person or online to experience all five sound signature pairings.
“The entire Iris Vineyards team is excited to bring music to your ears and a smile to your face when you combine our award-winning wines with the intuitive musical musings of Vinisthesia.”

Eugene Wine Cellars will soon be offering the Vinisthesia experience for their Recess Red Blend in their tasting room at 255 Madison in Eugene, Oregon.

Sarver Winery is offering five sound signature pairings on their website and in their tasting room near Eugene, Oregon. Visit Sarver in person or online to experience all five sound signatures.

McBeth Vineyards is offering the Vinisthesia experience online and in their Eugene, Oregon tasting room. Visit McBeth in person or online.

Find your favorite wines
See if your favorite winery has joined the Vinisthesia Circle. If not, let them know, and feel free to let us know too! Many more are coming soon, and we want to know which you’d like to hear. Some wineries represented below may not be official members of the Vinisthesia Circle.
Powerful and mysteriously fun, this wine rushes up from below in A Minor with an intriguing F# on top, to reveal a melody around A and B cascading down in octaves, before carrying its momentum back upward with a more relaxed A Minor Seven, coming to rest conclusively on A.
E Minor Seven, with G on the bottom, builds quickly from below to reveal a triumphant and rhythmic chordal melody mid-piano, outlining B Minor and D Major, while maintaining complexity and tension with G remaining below. A lower arpeggio darts back and forth, creating a spirited foundation. As its power diffuses, the signature topples into a comfortable lower revoicing of the melody on G Major Seven.
An expansive wine, interlocking fifths rooted by C and F expand outward from the center, almost like an orchestra tuning up, to support F Major rising quickly from below and revealing a jubilant melody in D Minor, cascading slowly back to rest in F Major. The F Major structure is then gently voiced again before settling fully into a long tail.
A huge wine with lots of low end energy, and consistent and inspiring high end sparkle. This wine accelerates into a high pedal of B Minor Seven while a B Minor arpeggio cascades downward in bursts, building power. B Minor 7 then blooms upward to reveal a more resolved D Major 7 falling lazily down to rest.
A rare wine, this Pinot Noir evokes the heart of a complete song, with melody, harmony, and rhythm. The jubilant yet emotional melody arises immediately, bouncing around A Minor Seven with a Suspended Four, while a counterpoint bass line quickly and rhythmically descends to complement the melody, detailing fifths of C, A, B, C, E, D, and C, clearly outlining an A Minor triad that is never explicitly heard. Thus, a wine with a pulse, a melody, and an intriguing secret never revealed.
Lush and beautiful, this wine swells powerfully from below with G Major Seven until it reveals a melody in G on top, with a pull toward B Minor Seven. Once revealed, this wine’s unique, joyful yet emotional melody repeats in octaves, returning back to the exact note where it started, demonstrating balance. A long tail carries on the entire sonic palate.
A complex wine with a serious story to tell, this sound signature begins in G Minor, with a bass formation curling around F Major before rushing upward in G Minor to reveal a melody falling from F, including a mysterious E, but supported by a stable and pastoral B Flat Major Seven, slowly collapsing through a lower reprise of the melody, to rest in B Flat Major.