Press and testimonials

Vinisthesia featured on OPB’s Think Out Loud!
Vinisthesia was featured on an episode of the popular OPB radio program Think Out Loud called “What is synesthesia and how does it work? Oregonians weigh in” featuring a panel of synesthetes and an expert on synesthesia. Hear a live Vinisthesia sound signature composition at the 22 minute mark.

“It absolutely added to the wine (Iris Vineyards C Block Pinot Noir) and made me appreciate it more. Some brighter notes were actually brought out more by the music.”
“Bright, cheery notes of the piano matched the dancing of my tastebuds. The sound signature (Iris Vineyards House Call Red Blend) was a creative pairing, with beauty in my ears and beauty in my mouth at the same time!”
“The wine tasted smoother with music. This would be so much fun with a group. Let me know when I can just scan the QR code on the label to play the sound signature, because I will buy those bottles.”
“A well-paired sound signature with a sip of wine will not just be an awakening experience — it will liberate the flavors and undertones already present in that good glass of vino.”
“I was skeptical at first, but once you take a drink and immerse yourself in the music, you can really feel the taste corresponding to the notes.”
“I heard the actual sound of flavor. I didn’t think I would experience it like that – very unique and enjoyable.”
“[Being able to listen to a sound signature] would absolutely make me more inclined to try a certain wine.”
“Really transcendent. Sound signatures would be great for parties – they can set the tone.”
“...Guests milled about sampling food and enjoying a glass of wine. For each of the three pairings, attendees gathered near the piano, raised their glasses, took a sip, then Forest played his brief musical tune. The response, particularly for the first one, was overwhelmingly positive.”